William Thomas Porter
Born: April 7th, 1851
Died: May 23rd, 1928
W.T. Porter (East Oregonian, Friday, May 25, 1928, Pendleton, Oregon)
Pioneer Resident of Pendleton Dies Today
From Wednesday's Daily
W.T. Porter, an Oregon pioneer who came here 49 years ago, died this morning at 12:15 a.m.
Mr. Porter, who was 87 years of age, was born in Illinois near Moweaqua, on April 7, 1841. His marriage to Miss Mary L. Gibson took place July 6, 1874 at Decatur, Illinois. In 1879 they came to Oregon and settled in the Willamette Valley near Sodaville where they lived for three years after which they came to Umatilla County, settling near Pilot Rock. He farmed there and a number of years ago came to Pendleton, having since resided here.
Mr. Porter is survived by his widow and nine children, as follows: Mrs L.L. Mann, Mrs. W.A McCarty, of Pendleton; Mrs. U.G. Horn, W.H. Porter, S.M. Porter, Jesse Porter of Pilot Rock; Mrs. J.C. Hoskins of Stanfield; Mrs. R.V. Peringer of Belmont, Washington and Mrs. W.E. Milne of Eugene. He leaves 35 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren.
Mr. Porter was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of this city. Funeral arrangement will be announced later.